26. Understanding the story of your brand

Blanca Melendez - Rey Star Wars.jpg

I grew up with Star Wars, I mean, from the very first three… I remember watching the movies at the cinema with my dad, I remember the epics duels, Han Solo being frozen and sent into space, the Force and Jedis.  

The story was fantastic, like nothing I had ever seen before. I almost felt bad for my sons watching them years later, by the time they were old enough to watch them, they already knew so much about the movies that it was not a surprise anymore...but I digress.

Why was this story so great?  Because there was the good and the evil and a hero with a problem and a guide that helped that hero find his way.  If you think about it, every great story follows in some way this dynamic.  

I read this great book called: Story Brand by Don Miller. Very interesting read, for marketing nerds like me ;0)

The thing is, it made me understand that as a Brand, we are not meant to be the heroes of our Brand, we are not the hero in trouble, we are not Luke Skywalker, we are more like Yoda, the guides, the ones that help our customers reach the place they want to go.  

Our purpose is to help our customers take their dreams and make them a reality, our job in the scope of our service is to help them close that gap.

So, be like Yoda, tiny, green, and wrinkly, but full of wisdom and helping our heroes reach their goals.


Hi! I’m Blanca!

I’m a Brand Photographer and Personal Branding Coach, helping female entrepreneurs to create a Personal Brand online that STANDS OUT.

I bring your vision to life, help you come up with one and take you by the hand into the online World if you need me to.


27. The relevance of VISUAL BRANDING for your small business


25. Why is STORYTELLING important for your BRAND