35. What to wear to a Branding Shoot


This is THE question I get asked by pretty much EVERY customer:  What should I wear?

As a brand photographer, I always recommend to my clients to be authentic in their photos, but also to be sensitive to the industry they work in or want to work with.

This is something you need to really understand.   When it comes to your industry, is it conservative? or contemporary? Is it very formal? or casual? Traditional or creative?


You should not have to sacrifice your own personality, but be mindful of the first impression you make on a new potential client, before they meet you.  Once they know you they will learn to value your expertise and personality, but before they meet you there is nothing but a first impression.

Make sure that the images reflect who you are.  It's important that when people finally meet you, they can recognize you as being the same person in the photos.

Here are my tips when choosing what to wear for your branding shoot

Wear outfits that are comfortable

If you feel comfortable in your clothes, you will feel more confident and it will show.  

Avoid wearing clothes that are too loose or too tight.  Especially around your neck or stomach.  It will be harder to pose and the outfits won’t be flattering on you.  If you have gained or lost some weight, make sure to find a couple of outfits that fit right.

Wear outfits that make you feel good and confident.  It is a mistake to wear something you would never wear otherwise or an outfit that you feel is not flattering.

Be true to your style

Personal Branding Shoots are a lot about you, about bringing you to the front and into the spotlight of your brand.  However, remember that, solids work well for almost everyone, try to avoid commercial prints or logos that would look like you are advertising another company.  

If you are actually promoting your own brand, yes, that would be an exception.

Be mindful of your background at the location that you will be.  The simpler it is, the more you can afford to add some patterns for accent.  If the background is already too busy, go rather for solid colors.

Remember to incorporate your brand colors within your outfits to strengthen the brand recognition and association.

However, don’t lose yourself or your own style.  Make sure that what you wear is something that fits you and your brand.

Sleeves or no sleeves

When in doubt, wear sleeves.  However, the answer to this question depends on your profession, industry and what you feel comfortable with.

If you are in the wellness or sports business, sleeveless is widely acceptable.  If you are in a more traditional field like law or finance, sleeves would probably be more fitting.

Prepare multiple outfits ahead of time

I always recommend to my clients to bring a couple of extra outfits, more than it is included in their package.  It happens from time to time that an outfit that was planned, doesn’t work well with the environment or doesn’t allow the client to pose well.

Variety of outfits

For Branding shoots, it is best to have an assortment of different outfits rather than variations of the same. 

It is important to incorporate some seasonal flexibility into your shoot.  Choose outfits that could stretch their usage through a couple of different seasons, at least two.

Accessories and Jewelry

These are a great way to bring more of your personality into the Branding Images, but then again, make sure to keep it to things that you normally would wear.  

Glasses on or off

This is a question people often ask me. The answer to me is simple. Do you wear your glasses permanently? Do people see you normally with glasses? Then the answer is yes, leave them on. My recommendation is to always buy glasses that don’t cause much reflection. And avoid glasses that change color (or darken) with light. If use them only occasionally or only to read or use the computer, it’s your choice, we can take some with and some without.

Make-up / Hair Styling

I recommend my clients not to overlook this. If you are great at doing your own make-up and styling, go ahead. However, if you are not so confident in this area, find someone that can help you, same with styling. A good make-up artist and stylist will know how to bring out your personality and get you camera-ready.

Staying on Brand

Your images should help you create a cohesive Visual Branding, for that reason, it is good to incorporate your branding colors into your images to help clients identify your brand.

Now, what happens when your branding colors are colors you personally would not wear as part of your outfits?   I suggest finding accessories, or props that you can place within your image and that help you relate back to your brand colors.

If you would like to know more of how to make the best out of your branding shoot read this article here:


Hi! I’m Blanca!

I’m a Brand Photographer and Personal Branding Coach, helping female entrepreneurs to create a Personal Brand online that STANDS OUT.

I bring your vision to life, help you come up with one and take you by the hand into the online World if you need me to.


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